Tuesday 15 November 2011

Comment for David's first, un-revised post:

Sorry, let me apologize AGAIN. Blogger is not letting me post comments, AGAIN. I ahve had this comment on paper for a really long time, and have been trying to post it for a few days. Here it is:

Hey David. I enjoyed reading your response to the given question because you used good examples and lots of information. I feel like you really connected to the story, and showed the connections clearly, along with your thoughts. However, some of the "information" you used seemed a little irrelevant/unimportant. Next time, I think you could omit saying things like, "I have a long list of possible qualifications, but I'm only going to say why I think Peter is a hero." If you wrote that sentence to make your post a little longer, even though there is an amount of writing expected, you have to remember, quality over quantity!
Also, although it is your opinion, I think I have to disagree with you on what you said about heroes only being heroes when they risk their own life. I think that whether someone risks their life or not, if they helped or tried to help you through a situation where you needed assistance, that makes them a hero already.
Other than that, keep up the great work David.

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